Monday 27 April 2015

Procrastination and movie of the week : The Avengers Age Of Ultron

If you are looking for the real oxford dictionary meaning of the word, then HAULT AND RETREAT!

Nope! This post is not an intellectual discussion about procrastination. Neither am I going to be touching the topic of 'how procrastination among young generation is affecting the modern society', by a ten foot pole. No siree. I am just casually going to bum about on my sparkly new blog, procrastinating about the 2500 words that I am supposed to be editing.
So if you are one of those people who are lurking around internet like a bad funk instead of doing the thing that you are actually supposed to be doing right now, then WELCOME BRETHREN AND SISTREN! You have found one of your people.
Holy Cannoli, this post is moot. But hey, it's stopping me from drowning myself in the sea of horrible grammar and humour that is my book. Yes I have written one. Yes I am very proud of myself. And affirmative to it most probably being the biggest load of crap ever written. STILL BETTER THAN TWILIGHT. Kidding. Mine cannot possibly get published ever, or get a movie deal much less.

Wow, I might actually start planning the procrastination. The world cannot get any darker for me.

SO ANYWAYS, how about the new Avengers Movie eh?

Yes now I am going to talk about movies. I have ADD, so I must apologize, but you have to keep up.
So The Avengers: Age of Ultron. Safe to say I have been waiting for this movie to come out, as soon as I stepped out of the theatre after watching the first one. And I can safely say it didn't disappoint. Joss Whedon is the god of fantastic movies. Super tight script with chaotically beautiful direction. There were 11 main characters, all with their own storyline, merging together into a fantastic fast paced movie plot. Like always, MCU knows how to cast someone into their world so perfectly that you cannot imagine anyone else playing it.
Hawkeye's backstory went into a completely different tangent as opposed to the comic books. You will think the comic book nerds would have been disappointed about it since Bobby Morse aka Mockingbird has already been introduced into MCU, but they managed to pull it off so smoothly that I think I now like Hawkeye with Laura more than I could have liked him with mockingbird.
HulkBuster. Yep, definitely deserves a mention. Two words for it. SUPER.COOL. I mean The Hulk and Iron Man all in one? Who wouldn't wanna watch that?
Now to Ultron. Love James Spader. Always have, since the day I first saw him in Boston Legal. That man can make you laugh and cause a chill to go down your spine, all in one sentence. Literally could not have been a better actor cast for such a super villianous role.
The Vision was everyone fangirls-boys' dream come true. Paul Bettany is marvelous. HE CAN LIFT THOR'S HAMMER! HOW COOL IS THAT?
Fury and Maria Hill are awesome as ever. Chris Hemsworth's arms are doing good as well, just to let you know.
Post script of Thanos got me all giddy inside. I WANT INFINITY WAR NOW!
So safe to say I will be one those people who would be demanding director's cut by the end of this month.